Where are the puppies now!
These are a few of the places that our puppies are living now. Yes most stay close to us in the state of Ky, Indiana, Tenn. There are some that are living a ways away now too.
Alaska, Canada, Austin Tx Phenix Az, Huston Tx, Chicago, Madison Ws, Iowa, Maryland, Florida,West Virgina, Virgina, Ohio, Michigan, Washigton DC, I may have missed a few more. As you can see we have families from all over who travel to pick-up the newest member of thier family..
We do not fly or use dog transports. Pick picks are available to Naskville Airport for fly ins.
There may be times that we can help with the del'y of a puppy, call and ask, there is a fee.
Whats needed for a fly in pick up.
First check with Annie or Sherry to be sure the age is ok to fly as very tiny puppies need to grow some for such and stressful trip home. Check with airlines, they only book so many pets for each flight.
Never think it's a walk into airpoort and get a seat with a puppy.
The airlines and the US goverment require a health certificate!! It's only good for a limited time!
You will need a airline approved carrier, the best is the soft sided one that you carry over the shoulder and has mess sizes. Pee Pads, Small water and food cup, small amount food and water. Small sized plastic bags for any pee pad changes.